St. Patrick's Day Party


Cost of Living

  • Reduce the financial burden of every-day necessities like gas, energy and groceries through sound fiscal policy and economic deregulation.


  • Defend the lives of the unborn and oppose the Democrats’ radical agenda of abortion up to the moment of birth. Support prevention measures and adoption as alternatives to abortion.

Defend 2nd Amendment Rights

  • Defend the 2nd Amendment in Virginia and preserve the right of law-abiding gun-owners to keep and bear arms.


  • Reduce traffic congestion across the Commonwealth including widening I-81 and I-64. Reduce the project cost and timeline of transportation projects by right sizing solutions and reducing the regulatory burden.

Fiscal Conservatism

  • Reduce the burden on Virginia taxpayers by opposing irresponsible government spending, indexing the standard deduction, eliminating the car tax and returning surpluses to our residents.

Government Accountability

  • Increase transparency into government processes and ensure open communication with your elected officials.

Public Safety

  • Support our law enforcement and first responders with the pay, resources and tools they need to keep our communities safe.
  • Address bail policies to keep repeat violent offenders off our streets and away from the next victim.


  • Support and thank those who have risked their lives for our country by increasing tax benefits and improving medical and mental health services.


  • Incentivize economic growth and job creation by deregulating businesses and incentivizing new industry in the Commonwealth.


  • Put our children first by funneling education resources into the classroom and on our teachers not administrators and administration. Raise standards and keep politics out of our schools.

Election Integrity

  • Increase confidence in our electoral process by ensuring Virginians have visibility into how our ballots are cast and counted.

Border Security

  • Support our law enforcement agencies and oppose sanctuary city localities that shelter those who seek residence in Virginia in violation of the law.

Increase Availability of Quality Childcare

  • Increase the availability of quality childcare by reducing unnecessary regulation, incentivizing employers to provide onsite daycare and providing education and support to childcare providers.