St. Patrick's Day Party


Herrity Headlines: On the Trail and at Home

January 26, 2025

It’s been another busy week, both on the campaign trail and at home on the Board of Supervisors.

In this week’s edition of Herrity Headlines, I want to share with you some of the many campaign stops we’ve made across Virginia, but I also want to talk about a few of the issues facing Fairfax County and how they demonstrate the importance of this election year.

We kicked off this week on the campaign trail with a trip to the Eastern Shore, where I had the opportunity to meet with the Accomack County Republican Committee and learn more about the issues they face across the Chesapeake Bay.

The next day we had the opportunity to join a group of passionate conservatives in Williamsburg for their weekly breakfast, and talk about the importance of standing for our principles – even when progressives have the majority and try to stop us.

I had a lively discussion with the Mechanicsville Tea Party about a broad range of issues facing our country and our Commonwealth.

From there we returned home to Fairfax County, where I caught up with many long-time friends and supporters at our monthly Republican Committee meeting – hosted this month at West Springfield High School, both in my Supervisor District and where I graduated high school.

The next day took us to Front Royal in Warren County, where I had the opportunity to meet with some of our party’s most active volunteers, and talk about the importance and my role in improving the 2025 ticket’s performance in Fairfax County.

At every event and in every conversation, I’ve found an appetite to make a difference in Northern Virginia this year. In 2023, I won re-election in a district where Governor Youngkin received just 38% of the vote. I can’t promise that we can win Fairfax County – but I can promise to move Fairfax in the right direction for our entire ticket, which is what we need to get across the finish line statewide.

And as I’ve always done, I’ll do it without compromising on our commonsense, conservative principles.

Along the way this week we released a number of new endorsements, including Delegate Terry Kilgore and 8th District GOP Chair Luisa Guerra-Young.

Former House Majority Leader and current Delegate Terry Kilgore has been a leader for Republicans in Southwest Virginia, in Richmond, and across the Commonwealth. I’m honored to have his support in my effort to keep Virginia on the right track as our Lieutenant Governor.

As congressional district chairwoman for one of Virginia’s Democrat strongholds, Luisa Guerra-Young has made incredible progress for Republicans in Northern Virginia and has demonstrated the leadership we need here to impact our statewide results. As a candidate committed to doing exactly that, I’m honored to have her support in my race.

On the home front, it seems we’re reminding my liberal counterparts on the Fairfax Board of Supervisors what “commonsense” means every day.

In the face of a looming $300 million budget deficit, they’re considering making cuts to Fairfax first responders – a move likely to put our residents at risk. You can read my comments here: “Fairfax County firefighters warn potential service cuts could impact public safety.” Seems like commonsense to me – I won’t be supporting cuts.

On the offense side, my office has been working on making a difference in the area of criminal justice reform to keep violent repeat offenders off our streets and out of our communities. Last year, after my liberal counterparts rejected one of my appointments to our Criminal Justice Advisory Board, I stood up our own Advisory Board in Springfield District to evaluate the impact of the Democrats’ bail reform measures on the safety of our communities.

Turns out, putting criminals convicted of violent crimes back on our streets early has had a devastating impact on public safety. My office has had the opportunity to work with reform efforts in Richmond, and I look forward to beginning to make steps back in the right direction. You can read about it here in the Fairfax Times: “Officials plan bill to change Virginia’s 2021 bail reform.” 

If you’re interested, you can also take a look at my Supervisor office newsletter, The Herrity Report, where I discussed the topic at length this week.

With these developments on my mind, it’s all the more critical that Republicans hold the Governor’s mansion, the Lieutenant Governor’s office, and re-elect our Attorney General in 2025.

The last time Democrats had control was in 2021 – and it gave us the bail reform changes that are now devastating our communities.

I’m committed to getting our ticket across the finish line this year and ensuring they don’t have the ability to do it again.

We’re working hard to ensure that happens, but I can’t do it without your help. Will you consider a small contribution towards my campaign fund for the long and expensive campaign year we have ahead?

Make a Contribution

I deeply appreciate your support, and if we haven’t crossed paths yet this year I look forward to seeing you soon on the campaign trail.

Together, we will continue the commonsense, conservative leadership that Governor Youngkin has brought to Richmond and keep Virginia on the right track for years to come.

Thank you,

Pat Herrity
Springfield District Supervisor, Fairfax County
Candidate for Lieutenant Governor

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P.S. – Please save the date of March 16th for my annual Saint Patrick’s Day Celebration in Fairfax County! We’ll feature an exciting special guest, and the opportunity to learn more and get involved with my campaign for Lieutenant Governor this year!

RSVP for the St Patrick’s Day Party!

Pat Herrity Announces Over $200,000 Raised in Week One

January 13, 2025

Springfield, VA – Today, Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor Pat Herrity announced that his campaign has raised over $200,000 in the first week of Herrity’s candidacy, which began on January 3rd.

The significant initial fundraising total is comprised of a combination of large contributions from supporters, and hundreds of small dollar contributions received from across the Commonwealth.

“I am grateful for every Virginian that has voiced their support for my campaign in its first week, Herrity said.”I am committed to building on my record of commonsense, conservative solutions and building on the successes of Governor Youngkin, and I am committed to raising the financial resources necessary to communicate that message and secure victory for our Republican ticket in November.”

Pat Herrity has a history of fundraising effectively as a candidate, having raised over $1 million for each of his last two reelections to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. In an increasingly expensive climate for political campaigns, Herrity is confident in the Commonwealth’s support and his campaign’s ability secure the resources necessary to win.

Learn more:

Watch Pat Herrity’s announcement video:

Pat Herrity Announces Hiring of Jonathon Nave as Campaign Manager

January 7, 2025

Springfield, VA – Republican Pat Herrity announced today the hiring of Jonathon Nave to manage his campaign for Lieutenant Governor in 2025.

Jonathon joined the team following a successful 2024 where he served as a key leader for the Trump re-election campaign. Nave has an extensive history of success in Virginia campaigns, including managing the Greenhalgh for Delegate campaign in a key swing District that flipped the seat in 2021. He has extensive campaign experience on a variety of campaigns at all levels across the Commonwealth.

Pat Herrity commented, “In 2021, Virginia voted to put itself back on the right track by electing Governor Youngkin, Winsome Sears and Jason Miyares. Jonathon Nave will be a key member of the team that keeps Virginia on the right path in 2025. Jonathon is an incredibly hard worker and has proven experience at bringing together teams and leading them to victory. I am very excited to have him running this campaign.”

Learn more about Pat Herrity:

Watch Pat Herrity’s announcement video:

Supervisor Pat Herrity Announces Campaign for Lieutenant Governor

January 3, 2025

Springfield, VA – Today, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors member Pat Herrity, of the Springfield District, announced his campaign for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 2025.

Against a backdrop of Glenn Youngkin’s leadership in Richmond, Pat called for a continuation of the conservative legacy established by Governor Youngkin, Lieutenant Governor Sears, and Attorney General Miyares.

“In 2021, we put Virginia on the right track by electing Governor Youngkin. In 2025, it is crucial that we continue that path by electing Winsome Sears to the Governor’s mansion, re-electing Jason Miyares as our Attorney General, and electing a strong leader to be the next Lieutenant Governor,” Pat said.

“In Richmond, I will continue to bring about the commonsense, conservative solutions that best serve our communities and our Commonwealth. I will work to lower taxes, support law enforcement, and advocate for our children. I’ll focus education resources on students and quality teachers – not on political agendas. I’ll stand up to the progressive prosecutors releasing repeat violent offenders into our neighborhoods, and I’ll penalize localities that refuse to cooperate with ICE to keep our communities safe.”

Pat Herrity currently serves on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and is the last elected Republican in the county. In 2023, Pat won re-election with 54% of the vote, in a district where Governor Youngkin received just 38%. He attributes his success to being a strong balancing voice on the Board, getting things done and delivering commonsense, conservative solutions to the voters who elected him.

Learn more about Pat Herrity:

Watch Pat Herrity’s announcement video: